In a Private-Public partnership project, the involvement often includes the construction or reconstruction of transport infrastructure, public buildings, utilities, and energy. Within these projects, the private sector commits to the development, construction, and finance of facilities, operating them in accordance with parameters and standards established by the government. Typically, compensation for these efforts is provided by the public sector, with the amount depending on the results achieved and services rendered.

Implementing PPP projects necessitates complex coordination. It requires appropriate structuring, clear coordination of work among all parties, and the correct evaluation of a project’s economic feasibility. BIBP's seasoned advisors are always prepared to lend their expertise to such projects. BIBP offers a comprehensive suite of services and expertise in public-private partnership (PPP) projects. Proficiency extends across various sectors, including energy, water, transportation, information & communication technologies, and solid waste.

Insights from one sector can often be helpful in another, allowing BIBP's cross-sector expertise to provide a holistic and bespoke consulting service.

In the realm of legal and regulatory compliance, BIBP ensures PPP projects adhere to all relevant laws and regulations. Equipped with a rich repository of resources, not only for PPP laws but also for sector-specific legislation and regulation. BIBP's experience allows working with parliaments, navigating the political and legal system of the country, and abiding by international commercial law and International Labour Organization (ILO) standards.

Environmental and social studies are conducted, and international standards are upheld. Additionally, Social Corporate Responsibility (SCR) advisory and local labor advisory services are provided, actively working with media, communities, and all stakeholders to ensure transparency and effective collaboration.

Understanding the broader context in which projects exist is vital. BIBP keeps stakeholders informed about the economic situation, public debt, budget balance, revenues, expenses, economic aid, credit rating, and foreign reserves. Detailed insights into the political situation are provided, updated monthly or as needed. BIBP ensures that projects are in line with the trade agreements of each country.

At BIBP, work on the ground is done to build the right foundation for projects, serving the country’s interests, and protecting investors' interests. Deals between private and public sectors are structured, bringing the global network of experts together, to provide a professional approach to the infrastructure and PPP sector. BIBP understands the financial and operational drivers of infrastructure and PPP projects, able to envisage transactions from the viewpoint of both public and private sector players.

BIBP provides comprehensive advisory services that include feasibility studies, risk assessments, contract negotiation, financial structuring, project management, and performance monitoring. Key areas of BIBP's expertise include:

1. Legal and Regulatory Compliance: Ensuring PPP projects comply with all relevant laws, regulations, and international standards, including the International Labour Organization (ILO) standards. An extensive repository of resources and templates allows drafting precise and effective agreements tailored to project needs.

2. Economic and Political Landscape Insights: Keeping stakeholders informed about the current economic and political situation in relevant countries. Reports encompass comprehensive data on the economic situation, public debt, budget balance, revenues, expenses, economic aid, credit rating, foreign reserves, and political situation, updated monthly or as needed.

3. Risk Analysis and Management: Performing a detailed risk analysis to help stakeholders understand both macro and micro risks, including political, economic, regulatory, environmental, social, and technical risks.

4. Financial Structuring and Feasibility: Offering consultation on PPP financing, ensuring projects are financially viable and set up for success.

5. Sector-Specific Knowledge and Cross-Sector Expertise: Sector-specific knowledge is particularly strong in energy, water, transportation, ICT, solid waste, and clean energy. However, cross-sector expertise allows the provision of insights and resources for any project sector.

6. Project Implementation and Coordination: Implementing PPP projects is a complex task. Experienced advisors assist in correctly evaluating a project’s economic feasibility, structure, and coordination of all parties involved.

7. Stakeholder Engagement: Liaising with all relevant parties involved in a project, ensuring effective communication and understanding among all stakeholders.

8. Sustainability and Resilience Planning: Assessing and planning for the environmental, social, and economic sustainability of projects, ensuring long-term resilience as well as establishing long-term maintenance plans.

Current projects and their impact on Sustainable Development Goals include:

  • Water and Sanitation - SDG 6

    Water and Sanitation - SDG 6

    Clean Water and Sanitation: Advising on a PPP to construct a water treatment plant, ensuring the provision of clean drinking water for a local community.

  • Healthcare Access and Quality - SDG 3

    Healthcare Access and Quality - SDG 3

    Good Health and Well-being: Facilitating a PPP to construct a new hospital, offering advisory services on contract negotiation, financial modeling, and risk allocation.

  • Infrastructure Development - SDG 9

    Infrastructure Development - SDG 9

    Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure: Involvement in the planning and execution of multiple toll roads development projects through a PPP, aimed at improving local trade routes and boosting economic activities.

  • Clean Energy Projects - SDG 7

    Clean Energy Project- SDG 7

    Affordable and Clean Energy: Spearheading a PPP for the creation of a solar power plant to provide affordable, clean energy to local communities.